A huge thank you to Megan Zavieh, of Zavieh Law, for having me on the Lawyers Gone Ethical podcast this week.

This week, I was honored to be a guest on the Lawyers Gone Ethical podcast from California State Bar defense attorney Megan Zavieh. It was a fun, educational experience and Megan is a fantastic host!

What I was surprised to learn is lawyers are very concerned about the ethical ramifications of creating content. The fear is not dissimilar to the concerns of expert witnesses regarding content marketing.

Granted, experts are more concerned that content created to market their services may later be used against them for impeachment purposes (if this is one of your fears, check out this post from a few years ago). Lawyers, on the other hand, are more concerned with upsetting state bar regulators.

The concerns of lawyers and experts are understandable, but they are based in fear. Lawyers can add appropriate disclaimers to their content marketing materials. Experts should not be creating any video or written publications that they cannot defend. In fact, experts can add disclaimers too. For example, “the facts of each case are different. The analysis used in this article/video/blog post may not be applicable in every case.”

The bottom line: Both sets of professionals need to get over the fear and start creating interesting and compelling content. Do so after taking proper consideration of your practice and any ethical standards which may apply. But, get started!

If you are not utilizing content marketing to expand your practice, you are missing out on the ability to distinguish yourself from your competitors.

There are reasons we encourage Experts.com members to write articles. It differentiates them from their competitors, reinforces their expertise, showcases their analytical and writing abilities, and drastically increases their online visibility.

Don’t let the fear win!



Megan Zavieh’s Contact Information:

Website – www.zaviehlaw.com

Twitter – https://twitter.com/ZaviehLaw

iTunes – https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/lawyers-gone-ethical/id1352001379

Stitcher – https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/megan-zavieh/lawyers-gone-ethical

Oh, and if you love how the podcast was produced and edited, you should definitely check out Abboud Media.


Posted by nickrishwain

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