1. Build a Strong Reputation

An expert witness’s reputation plays a vital role in their business. Your reputation should be protected at all costs, including turning down some potential cases if they are outside your expertise or when an attorney wants you to opine contrary to your knowledge. By providing high-quality and objective expert services, an expert can build a strong reputation which will improve your business.

2. Networking

Networking is essential to increase any business. Join professional associations and attend conferences. Sure, you should do this in your own field of expertise. More importantly, attend those conferences that are filled with lawyers. Apply to speak at legal conferences or other trade conferences where you’re the only expert talking about your field of expertise. That is how you differentiate yourself and become top of mind for the attendees.

3. Create a Strong Online Presence

A strong online presence is essential. Build a website that showcases your expertise, experience, and credentials. Some paid advertising is also necessary to point to your website. Naturally, we recommend you market your services through Experts.com. Also, make sure to have a presence on social media platforms like LinkedIn. Learn to engage on social media. Engage with lawyers who may need for your expertise.

4. Collaborate with Lawyers and Law Firms

Build relationships with lawyers and law firms. Offer to provide them with educational materials, such as webinars or articles, to help them stay current on developments in your field. A “lunch and learn” could be a good idea. You buy lunch for the firm and give them an hour of your knowledge.

5. Develop Specialized Expertise

I know what you’re thinking. “I already have specialized expertise!” In this case, I’m talking about niching down even further. Find that sub-category of your field that is heavily litigated and refine your knowledge and experience in that sub-category.  Develop this niche so you can market it to potential clients. As an example, a mechanical engineer focusing on robotics and mechatronics. Or, an accident reconstructionist who focuses on motorcycle accidents. Continue to refine your niche.

6. Build a Strong Referral Network

Word of mouth referrals are the best source of business for expert witnesses. Build a strong referral network by building relationships with attorneys, paralegals, legal assistants, and other legal professionals.

7. Publish Research / Articles

Publishing research / articles in professional journals and industry publications help to establish you as a thought leader in your field. I know this is concerning to many experts. Lawyers have made experts fearful of publishing content. There are ways to do it more generally so an attorney cannot use the content against you in the future. Also, there are appropriate responses to lawyers who try to impeach your credibility with a previous publication.

8. Offer Educational Services

Offering educational services, such as training seminars or webinars, can help to build your reputation and increase your visibility. All kinds of legal organizations, paralegal associations and bar associations want to offer Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credits to lawyers. You could become one of the providers teaching about your area of expertise.

9. Provide Excellent Customer Service

It should go without saying. Provide excellent customer service to your clients. Be kind on the phone. Be responsive and pleasant in emails.

10. Continuously Communicate with Clients

You may have done a great job with an attorney previously and they’d love to use you again, but years later they forget your name and your contact information. You should be collecting emails and asking existing and previous customers if you can include them on your newsletter. The newsletter does not need to be overly complicated. It can be simple updates on your field of expertise or a pertinent news story. It’s just a quick update that keeps you top of mind with existing and past clients.

If you’d like to learn more about the Business of Expert Witnessing, join Dan Sandman, Esq. and I, on 4/27/2023. Sign up here: https://xprts.us/ExpertBiz.

This blog post created with the assistance of ChatGPT.

Posted by nickrishwain

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